
Information on China travel, China interpreters, China virtual assistants

Everything prepared for your arrival tomorrow

Recently, I read a joke from a college English textbook for sophomores in China. It’s quite funny and I assure you that you will burst into laughter after reading it.

It goes like this:
An American man went on a holiday to Florida from his hometown, the cold and snowy Chicago. And his wife is to meet him the next day after finishing her work.

What are the big rocks in your life?

Recently, I read about a story discussing the time management. It goes like this.

A time management expert made a presentation to his audience to explain his point.
He took out a jar first, and placed a handful of fist-sized rocks into it. When it was full and no other blocks could be put inside, he asked the audience: “Is it full?” “Yes!” the audience yelled.


Jacky 的传奇经历-----从英语六级到欧盟口译司


Tomb-sweeping Day in China

Qingming, is also called Tomb-sweeping Day, is a time for Chinese people to honor ancestors, remembering the dead and pay respect to the family members departed. It falls on April 5 of every year. (It’s approved to be a holiday from April 3 to 5 by Chinese government.)

A well-known poem written by Du Mu, a poet of Tang Dynasty tells of a sad scene in early April: "rains fall heavily as Qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go."


     接到Cindy的电话,经过一番思量,放弃了五一回家的念头,钱的诱惑力有点大,哈哈。如约会见了客户,一个服装商,很nice,非常帅,帅到可以为自己的服装品牌做model。     第一天的工作主要是陪同口译,以及帮他安排行程。游览城隍庙,看东方明珠,逛外滩,把这些我到过无数次的地方一一介绍.出门前10分钟,边吃早餐边看这

What to see in Shanghai: Yuyuan Garden

Yuyuan Garden in Shanghai is a sightseeing spot loved by many tourists and it deserves your time to take a look. You could hire a Shanghai personal tour guide to explore its beauty by introducing to you its legend. You could also get a general understanding of it by reading relevant tour guide information.


结缘Interpretersky 和兼职口译

人生很奇妙,当你努力追求一件事情的时候,往往得不到理想的结果;当你经历了挣扎和纠结,因为放下执着而淡定之时,机遇之门就像你打开。  认识Cindy是在09年的冬天,准备从上海回家之际。接到她的电话,说是有一个印度珠宝商需要口译。

How to save money by flying from London to Xiamen

If you fly to HK by Cathay Pacific you can book through to Xiamen although they will have to change flights as HK to Xiamen is by Dragon Air which belongs to Cathay. 

That is quite cheap when it is combined with the London - HK flight and they would offer the same with Canada - Hong Kong flights. You could stop off in HK for a few days before going on to Xiamen for the same cost but you’d better ask. 



What to eat to prevent the nuclear radiation

Many people are talking and worrying about the nuclear radiation leak from Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan, concerning how far the nuclear pollutants will spread. If it do hovers over us, will the radiation leak influence our health? How to prevent it?

Will the nuclear leakage from Japan influence China?

Most people worry about how far the nuclear leakage from Fukushima nuclear power plant will spread. Will the radiation leak influence our health, if it comes to Beijing.

By consulting the relevant domestic and international nuclear experts, and nutrition experts, we conclude that: Take Beijing for example, if the nuclear pollutants comes here with wind,



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