
Information on China travel, China interpreters, China virtual assistants

口译经历分享-Justin Qin, Xiamen interpreter


The reason for the bullet train crash in Southeast China


After the high-speed train crash that has claimed 39 passengers’s life(including 3 foreigners) and injured 192 Chinese travlers on Saturday, July 23 in Wenzhou, a city in Zhejiang province, many Chinese are asking a question: what caused the crash? The Chiense media said that it was the lightning strike that caused the train to halt, but many people as well as rail experts doubted it.






What are the big rocks in your life?

Recently, I read about a story discussing the time management. It goes like this.

A time management expert made a presentation to his audience to explain his point.
He took out a jar first, and placed a handful of fist-sized rocks into it. When it was full and no other blocks could be put inside, he asked the audience: “Is it full?” “Yes!” the audience yelled.



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