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« 英语和汉语的主要区别Comparison Between English and Chinese »

The difference between English and Chinese


汉语民族“天人合一”的思想侧重从整体把握事物,人们在长期的语言使用中积累下来很多笼统词或概括词,而英语民族有主客体分离的思维倾向,他们思维严谨、注重个体和差别,所以英语中有较多具体词。举一个简单的例子,“树”。树有很多种类,基本上,中文的“树”作为一个上义词,在它前面加一个下义词就可以表达差不多所有种类的树了,如:松树,柏树,杨树,橡树,栎树,柳树,杉树等,但用英文表达,就是相互间没有联系的词语了,如把以上的几种树分别用英语译出就是:pine, cypress, poplar, oak, robur, willow, China fir. 英语中这种类似的“个体户词语”俯拾皆是,这里就不一一列举了。那么我们也不奇怪学者们的感慨了:“难怪英语中有多达一百万的单词,而汉语约一二万字(识得汉字3700个,覆盖率为99。9%), 仅占英语词汇的1-2%。”[1] 这也给我们一种意识:在翻译时,尽量避免一一对应,不要看到“操场”就全译 “playground”, 看到 “酒”就都译 “wine”, 因为英语词不像汉语词那样覆盖面广,所以汉英词语对译要谨慎细心。
“中华大地,江河纵横;华夏文化,源远流长。。。[然后才讲到本地,再讲到龙舟节]轻快的龙舟如银河流星,瑰丽的彩船似海市蜃楼,两岸那金碧辉煌的彩楼连成一片水晶宫,是仙境? 是梦境? 仰视彩鸽割飞,低眸漂灯留霓,焰火怒放,火树银花,灯舞回旋,千姿百态,气垫船腾起一江春潮,射击手点破满天彩球,跳伞健儿绽空中花蕾,抢鸭勇士谱水上凯歌… 啊,××城是不夜城,龙舟会是群英会!
The divine land of China has its rivers flowing across; the brilliant culture of China has its roots tracing bake long…
The light-some dragon-boats appear on the river as though the stars twinkle in the milky way. The richly decorated pleasure boats look like a scene of mirage. The splendent awnings in green and gold chian into a palace of crystal. Is this a fairy-land or a mere dream? Looking above, you can see the beautiful doves flying about. Looking below, you can see the sailing lamps glittering. Cracking are the fireworks, which present you a picture of fiery trees and silver flowers. Circling are the lantern-dancers, who present you a variation of exquisite manner. Over there the motor-boats are plowing the water, thus a tide stirs up. Over there, the marksmen are shooting to their targets; thus colorful beads whirl around. Besides, the birds’s chirping, the potted landscape’s charm, the exhibition of arts and painting, all claim a strong appeal to you. Therefore, we should say: ×× is a city of no light; its Dragon-Boat Festival a gathering of heroes.
Come on, Dear Friends! Come on, Honourable guests!…”[2]
Written by Cindy, a translator Shanghai  from
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[1] 方梦之,马秉义. 汉译英实践与技巧[C]. 北京:旅游教育出版社,1996. P56.
[2] 方梦之,马秉义. 汉译英实践与技巧[C]. 北京:旅游教育出版社,1996. P325.

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