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Interpretation Contract





Party A:

Party B:



经甲乙双方协商,就乙方为甲方提供  陪同   口译一事达成以下协议:

The following agreement is entered into between Party A and Party B upon negotiation for Party B’s   liaison     interpretation provision to Party A:


一、应甲方要求,乙方为甲方提供   2  名口译人员进行    陪同口译        活动,乙方翻译应积极配合甲方工作并保证翻译质量,使翻译工作顺利进行。

Article One

Party B will provide Party A with 2 interpreters for interpretation activities as required by Party A. Party B’s interpreters shall work closely with Party A and ensure successful interpretation at all time.


二、甲方聘请乙方翻译的工作时间为  2013   9   6 2013    17 工作地点为:  北京 

Article Two

Party A will employ Party B’s interpreters from  Sept. 6, 2013    to  Sept. 17, 2013    , and the working place is   Beijing        .


三、翻译定价:人民币      //天(八小时计为一天,四小时计为半天),工作地点在北京市区之外,视为出差,则客户需另行承担翻译人员的食宿及往返交通费用。

Article Three

Interpretation price: RMB    /person/day (eight hours for one day and four hours for a half day). The working place outside the urban area in Beijing is regarded as business trip and the customer needs to take additionally the interpreters’ accommodation and round-trip traffic fees.


四、如果甲方活动时间延长,或增加未在本合同规定范围内的活动内容,甲方应当在相关附加工作开始前通知乙方,并及时就新增服务需求的费用进行协商(工作时间每增加一小时,增加翻译费人民币   0   /人),否则乙方有权拒绝为甲方提供超出部分的服务。因为涉及剧组翻译,乙方同意为甲方提供合理时间范围内的免费加班。

Article Four

Party A should inform Party B of relevant additional jobs before their commencement and make timely negotiation on fees required for added services (the interpretation fees will be increased by RMB   0    /person at increment of every hour of working time) if Party A’s activities are prolonged or the activities not specified in the contract are added, otherwise Party B has the right to refuse provision of services for added parts.


五、 付款时间:全部翻译费用分二次支付,在甲乙双方签订口译合同的同时,甲方向乙方支付全部翻译费用的40%作为翻译预付款,即人民币      元(约计),在翻译工作结束之前,支付剩余的翻译费用  元。如甲方逾期未付清应付款项,则乙方有权每天向甲方索取合同金额的10%作为滞纳金。

Article Five

Payment time:

All the interpretation fees are paid in two times. Party A will pay Party B 40% of all the interpretation fees as interpretation prepayment that is RMB      (approximately) when Party A and Party B sign the interpretation contract, and pay the remaining interpretation fees before the interpretation is over. Party B would have the right to claim 10% of the contract amount as late fee per day against Party A if Party A does not pay off the accounts payable within the specified time.


六、 甲方要负责乙方所派翻译人员的安全。

Article Six

Party A should be responsible for the safety of the interpreters sent by the Party A


七、 乙方所派翻译人员在口译过程中如发生意外情况而使甲方翻译工作无法正常进行时,乙方应速派候补翻译人员至现场接替其继续进行翻译。

Article Seven

Party B should send alternative interpreters to the site as soon as possible for continued interpretation if any accidents happen to interpreters sent by Party B during the interpretation.


八、 对于在口译服务过程中所获取的保密资料,乙方对其须进行保密,如因乙方原因导致资料泄露而使甲方遭受损失时,甲方有权向乙方索取因此造成损失的经济赔偿(以本次翻译费用的全额为限)。

Article Eight

Party B shall keep the secret information obtained during interpretation confidential. Party A would have the right to claim economic compensation against Party B arising from Party A’s loss due to information disclosure by Party B (which is limited to full amount of the interpretation fees).



Party A and Party B shall comply with the above articles. The matters not included in these articles may be solved amicably through negotiation.



This contract is made in two duplicates and each is kept respectively by Party A and Party B. It becomes effective after signing or stamping by both parties (the faxed copy is effective).


If there are any differences between the Chinese and the English contents, please take the Chinese version as the standard.


甲方:                        乙方:   

代表人:                     代表人:

日期:                       日期:




注:本合同由 Cindy from 整理

This Contract is offered by Cindy from


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